
By: Walker, Gottfried

Modules in the masterĀ“s program Applied Life Science in winter semester 24/25

Compulsory elective modules for the Master's degree program ALS will be offered for the last time in the winter semester 2024/25.

The Master's degree program "Applied Life Sciences" (ALS) is being phased out. Students enrolled on the ALS Master's degree course can either complete their ALS studies or switch to the new "Technology of Circular Economy" Master's degree course if they wish.


Information on ALS-elective-modules in winter semester 24/25 can be found in the moodle course "Master ALS students" at the beginning of winter semester 24/25:


Note: After the end of the winter semester 2024/25, no more modules will be offered for the Master's degree program ALS. However, examinations in the previous Master's degree program ALS can still be taken after this date.