
Von: Wittwer, Elizabeth

Attention Master students: "Production Systematics"

There is still time to sign up for "Production Systematics", a module which could interest Master students in particular.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Monika Blattmeier


5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m

Location: T140

Lecture/Research-based Learning


What is the intention of the module Production Systematics?

During the winter semester of 2024/25, we want to reach a decision regarding a case study. A household device manufacturer aims

to enhance the resilience of its supply chain by increasing its geographical diversity. With regard to foreign production sites, the managing

director specifically asks himself which ones to invest in. The issue of production site is presently being discussed in Germany

following VW‘s announcement on the closure of a car manufacturing plant or plants for engine and other powertrain components. An

increasing number of newly purchased cars originate from factories in China, where the majority of buyers live and where the prices

are lower. Putting yourself in the managing director‘s position, how would you react? You will be guided by the teaching-learning sessions

to create a decision template for the case study and make your final decision.


What subjects are covered?

As decision-making requires evaluation, we will initially identify patterns in the teaching-learning sessions that led to positive outcomes

in assessing difficult situations. We may employ our intuition alongside the novel measuring and comparison techniques

provided by digitalization and artificial intelligence in production. Additionally, you can base your case study decision on the technical

material covered in the teaching-learning sessions. We will explore (a) the significance of value creation and agility in supply chains,

(b) the characteristics of resilient supply chains, (c) the potential of digitalization and AI in production, and (d) the consideration of

ethical issues.


What benefits does the module offer you?

The module Production Systematics offers technical knowledge on the pertinent issue of the resilience of global supply networks.

This will enhance your comprehension of the particular impacts of crises on procurement, manufacturing, and logistics. Ultimately,

you will be capable of evaluating supply chains regarding sustainability and agility to enhance their resilience in a more complex environment.

Apart from the specialized information, like with many of my classes, you will also learn how to handle a range of issues

with flexibility in your professional life. The analytical skills developed during case study training enable you to address numerous

more cases, including those not previously addressed.